How blessed I was this summer to visit Ireland with my husband. We joined 22 other Americans on a Catholic pilgrimage, visiting towering cathedrals and the crumbling ruins of monasteries and castles.
One of my favorite stops was the coastal village of Cobh, famed as the last stop of the ill-fated Titanic on her maiden voyage. Situated near the pier is a small museum filled with photos of the ship, depicting life aboard the luxury ship. To my surprise, I learned that these rare photos of the Titanic were taken by a Jesuit priest, Father Francis Browne.
The discovery of his photos is a story in itself. Browne’s negatives were hidden away until 1985: seventy-three years after the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. More than fifteen hundred passengers perished in the disaster.

The details are fuzzy regarding the discovery of the photographic negatives. Another priest named Eddie O’Connell rummaged through an basement in Dublin. I doubt he was looking for treasure. He opened a trunk and found 40,000 negatives, among them were images depicting the Titanic in all its glory.
Father Browne was a gifted photographer who cruised on the majestic vessel from Southampton, England to Cobh, Ireland. His photos captured life aboard ship. It truly was a floating palace. Musicians played as patrons waltzed. It had a workout room complete with a rowing machine. Sitting rooms were adorned with pillars and oriental rugs.
During that short trip, Father Browne dined with a wealthy American couple. Evidently, they were charmed by Father Browne and offered to pay his fare for a vacation in America. Eager to accept their invitation, he climbed below deck to the Marconi room and sent a telegraph to his superior, asking permission to make a trans-Atlantic voyage on the Titanic.

His answer came a short time later. Mail bags were ferried in a small boat out to the luxury ship anchored in the harbor. Inside the bag was a message for the priest. It read, “’Get off that ship. -the Provincial’”.
Now if that was not good advice, I can’t imagine what else would qualify. Father Browne gathered up his bags, thanked the American couple for their generous offer and returned to shore. Four days later the Titanic slammed into an iceberg and sank.
I will always remember Father Browne’s story. How well it illustrates the importance of following the guidance of respected friends, family members, and colleagues. Father Browne surely was disappointed that he could not engage in an oceanic adventure. He might have even sighed as he reluctantly left the ship. Notice that he did not question the note. He simply obeyed.
Father Francis Browne believed that obedience saved his life. How do we know? He folded up the message from his superior and kept it in his wallet for the rest of his life.
I read your account of an angel saving you during a tornado. while I truly believe in angels, particularly our guardian angels, your story cemented the fact. Also, I enjoyed your post about FatherFrancis Browne. it saddens me to see how little importance the world puts into the idea of obedience, especially to God’s word. Thanks for a short reminder.
Yes, guardian angels are real and my angel came to the rescue in the nick of time.
Beautiful story! I’ve been reminded recently how much we are watched, protected, and loved, if only we could remember to say thank you more often!
Thanks for your comment. It is an amazing story.
What a great story. How lucky you two were to go on that trip. I have been trying to reach you for several weeks. Your house phone would not connect and your cell phone seemed to be answered by a male voice saying to leave a message. I was about to email Dan when I mentioned it to Doreen. She sent me your story the next day!
Thanks, Mary-Ellen…it was a fabulous time. I will call and give you our new phone numbers.
Happy Thanksgiving!