Here we go with episode 2 of Lucia of Fatima in which the writer takes you into her hobbit hole – the place where she retreats into the mysterious world of creativity. I set the alarm for 4 AM and climb out of bed. It is a time of silence, hot tea, and reading scripture. After I finish reading, I turn on the computer and start working on a scene. This morning I worked on the last chapter and struggled as I tried to decide how to end the story. Honestly, I was ready to give up. I did not know which direction to take, but I persevered and was pleased to get the story sailing in the right direction. Even if the writing isn’t exactly in the E.B. White category, I tell myself that I can fix it later. That overcomes the inertia.
Anyway…take time to watch the 30 second video posted on social media. You will get a rare glimpse into the writer’s world.