Everybody loves a good story with plots that twist and characters that inspire. Rescued! fills the bill with tales that span the world and the ages from first century Jerusalem to twentieth century Maine. Read about St. Peter’s miraculous escape from prison. St. Patrick escapes from slavery thanks to the mysterious voice of God urging him to walk 200 miles to a waiting ship that will take him home.
Do you know about Donn Fendler? In 1939, this twelve-year old survived nine days alone on Mt. Katahdin. Well, he wasn’t completely alone. Donn felt a supernatural presence throughout the ordeal. He believed it was his guardian angel.
Ten tales of courage fill the pages of Rescued! and are sure to inspire young and old alike. How amazing to think that every story is true!
Summer is here. Find a cool spot and curl up with a good book. Rescued! is the third book in a series that includes Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids and Miraculous! Catholic Mysteries for Kids.
Once again, John Henry Folley created the cover art and illustrations for the book. He has a gift for capturing action and distilling each story with captivating art. The cover shows Donn Fendler coming face to face with a startled bear who emits a blood-curdling scream.
Thanks also to Ellen Gable Hrkach for sharing her expertise as a proofreader and formatting pro. Her husband James designed the graphics for the back and front cover. Thanks to all.
Rescued! is also a perfect book for reading aloud. Illustrated. For ages 7 and up.
That a really good read, the kids are going to love it.
It was fun writing it and I think families will enjoy reading each tale. Thanks for commenting.
Hi, Kathryn! I’m so excited to see that you have a new book out! My daughter is about to start your book on Eucharistic miracles. She absolutely LOVES your “Brave Heart” series. Do you anticipate writing more in that series? You have a wonderful collaboration going with John Folley. He is a friend of our family (and served as a groomsman at our Nuptial Mass!). God bless 🙂
Hi Cassandra,
Authors love to hear that readers enjoy their books. So pleased that your daughter liked the Brave Hearts Series. At this point I have no immediate plans to write another book for the series. Sometime down the road I would like to write St. Bernadette’s story for the series. I do plan to start another book in the series for younger readers…possibly on Marian apparitions. Keep checking the website for updates.
Peace and All Good,